
India's First Alimony Calculator

Car? House? Gold? Trust? Savings? Sanity? Time? Peace? Parents' Health? Confidence? Privacy? Social Life? Job Focus? Belongings? Freedom? sense of humor?

what are you losing in today's MARRIAGE market ?

In response to Shaadi Dowry calculator, we have created ALIMONY CALCULATOR to balance the conversation. Calculate your alimony payments with our user-friendly tool.

About Us

For generations, relationships have been distorted by financial transactions that claim to protect but often subjugate. In India, the dowry system has turned marriage into a grim bargain, where a bride's worth is measured in gold and rupees—a practice that leads to thousands of deaths each year.

Now, our collective awakening to the dowry's horrors is revealing a parallel injustice in divorce: ALIMONY. Just as dowry prices a woman's life at marriage, alimony price-tag a man's future after relationship ends. Both systems, rooted in outdated views of dependency, transform human bonds into business deals.

They perpetuate stereotypes, incentivize exploitation, and often leave one party financially and emotionally devastated. Our tool, inspired by shaadi dowry calculator, doesn't just compute alimony—it compels us to question why, in love or its aftermath, we still equate people with payments. It's time to redefine relationships based on equality, respect, and genuine support, not monetary transactions.

white Casio calculator
white Casio calculator

-21st August 2023

‘Women Unleashes ‘Legal Terrorism’ By Misusing IPC 498A,’ Says Calcutta High Court

This website is a fantastic tool for anyone seeking clarity and assistance with alimony calculations. I highly recommend it to anyone going through a divorce or separation.

man in red and white plaid dress shirt and blue denim jeans standing on road during
man in red and white plaid dress shirt and blue denim jeans standing on road during
